Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Challenge Accepted

I finally made a soon-to-be life changing decision to get healthy! It finally became time to enter in the IsaBody Challenge after being insecure about my weight for as long as I can remember. Based on my body mass index (BMI), I am considered overweight. While I have never been called "fat," I am still putting unnecessary strain on my body, causing it to not function to it's greatest ability. It will be very interesting, yet exciting to see how much better my body will look on the outside and function on the inside at the end of the 16 week challenge. I never appreciated the beauty of our bodies enough to care about what I was putting inside of it, but I already feel a huge change in my mood and energy.

My first two weeks got me off to a great start! Week one consisted of searching for healthy and clean recipes to make for my one meal each day (partnered with two IsaLean Shakes). I also started walking for at least 30 minutes each day to get my body back into the exercising gear. The second week, I started my new semester and started the P90X lean program. Even after one week I could feel my body improving with each workout!

Also, I got a FitBit that clips onto my pocket. I wear it all day and it calculates my steps, mileage, and calories burned. It connects to the application on my phone where I can enter what I have eaten for the day. Since January 6th, I have lost 7 pounds and not stopping there!

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