Monday, March 3, 2014

Half Way!


Today marks the half way point for my IsaBody Challenge. And what better way than start the 2nd half with a cleanse day! I am so excited to see my final results after comparing my "before" photos to my half way photos. Looking at how far I have already come brings tears to my eyes. I quit year-round swimming 5 years ago and have not felt "myself" ever since. Growing up and being in shape is how I have always seen myself and never figured out how to manage my weight when I am not swimming 10,000 meters every day. 

I have lost 20.2 pounds so far and 6% body fat. (Time for some new jeans) It's so exciting to finally see my true self look back at me in the mirror.

I have learned what it means to appreciate your body. My body feels so much more "in tune" and kicked chronic headaches to the curb by putting great nutrients in my body. I got a nasty stomach virus last week and the fever lasted for about 3 days, but didn't seem to slow me down in my 10K race on Saturday!

After all the ice and snow days, school has leveled out and not feeling as swamped anymore so hopefully I can post more often!

Peaches decided she wanted to take a bath in her DRINKING water! Then Donut joined in and they were splashing water everywhere.

Went to dinner and nails with my mom for the 15 pound mark.

With Aunt Donna at Sarah's Sweet 16. Clearly we had fun dressing up!

Sick in bed with Pedialyte and saltines :( I bounced back quickly though!

Looking spiffy in my business suit!

My new beta fish, Timmy!!!!

Finished my 10K race in 1:01.27 woot woot!

I am in the bright red shirt on the top far right coming down the hill to the finish line at the 10K.
Having a downhill finish was the best feeling ever!

Follow me on Twitter! @CommitToCleanse

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