Saturday, January 25, 2014

Love Your Body

I am horrified to say that last semester I was drinking AT LEAST 128 ounces of Coca-Cola per week! It certainly didn't seem like that much at the time. It was just my routine to get the Subway special of the day every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, which comes with a 32 ounce soft drink. I could just feel my teeth rotting away with every sip I took, but I didn't care because I was hooked to the sugar!

You are what you eat and I can definitely vouch for that. I had no clue that what I was eating was causing me to feel the way I did. Eventually, I got to the point that I thought nothing of having to take medicine for a headache almost every day. I tried calling them "tension" headaches, but now I realize I was just lying to myself. I have officially gone 3 weeks without needing to take one single pain killer! WOW!

Here are some interesting facts about the ingredients in my Almond Spice Cookies:

I had never heard of half of the ingredients in the recipe. I gave chia seeds a try and they actually have a good nutty flavor by themselves along with being FULL of fiber. They are known to be very absorbent, making you feel full for longer. I actually think the flavor would go well in oatmeal, I will have to give that a try.

Coconut palm sugar is actually quite interesting. It is an equal equivalent to brown sugar and is known to not make you crave even more sugar (like Coke did with me).

I will be making more recipes with the leftover ingredients from the cookies so stay tuned!

Do your body a favor and watch this video to understand more why Isagenix will help you achieve a healthy lifestyle and fill you with vital nutrients!
*Note: Video may not appear on mobile devices.

Oh, by the way I am down 11 pounds since starting Isagenix 3 weeks ago :)


Connect on Twitter- @CommitToCleanse

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